Social Media

Unfiltered: How to Remove TikTok Filters and Boost Your Content

By Steven, on March 17, 2023, updated on July 11, 2023 - 4 min read

In today’s digital age, the use of filters is commonplace in media production. From Instagram to Snapchat and now TikTok, filters have become an essential element for users to express themselves visually.

TikTok app, in particular, has become a hub for creative expression through its multitude of editing tools and various filters.

But does using these filters really make content better? Or can viewers get more out of content by removing them?

In this article, Debugbar will be taking a look at how creators can remove filters from their videos on TikTok and boost their engagement levels. So let’s go and first let’s see what TikTok filters are exactly.

What are TikTok Filters?

Filters on TikTok are special visuals effects that can be used to enhance your video clips before you post them online.

These filters range from fun ones like:

  • Adding a face filter
  • Distorting your voice
  • Adding background music
  • Adjusting the saturation/brightness/contrast levels of your video

To access these filters, simply tap the “effects” icon on the main screen after recording or uploading a video clip.

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You will then see a list of categories where you can browse through different types of effects that can be applied to your video clips.

While some filters are free, there are also paid options available as well as exclusive filters that are only available during certain events or promotions.

There are also some unique filters created by influencers who have partnered with TikTok that have become popular among users due to their creative visuals and catchy soundtracks.

Also read : Cracking the TikTok Algorithm: Best Times to Post for Maximum Views

Why Remove TikTok Filters?

Using filters on your videos may seem like a great way to make them stand out from the competition, however it is important to consider whether or not it is actually beneficial for your content in the long run.

Generally speaking, when you remove a filter it can help create a sense of authenticity and encourage more organic engagement with viewers as they are able to connect with what you’re saying easier without any distractions caused by added filters.

This also allows you to focus more on creating quality video rather than relying solely on flashy visuals or soundtracks that may draw people in but don’t necessarily help develop an audience over time.

It’s also important to note that while some filters may work well for certain types of videos (such as comedy skits or lip syncing challenges), they may not be suitable for others (such as product reviews).

Therefore it’s important to take into account what type of video you’re creating before deciding whether or not it would benefit from added effects or if it would be better off without them altogether.

How To Remove TikTok Filters?

To remove filters from your videos on TikTok you just have to follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: After recording or uploading your video clip, tap on “effects” icon located at the bottom left corner of the screen.
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  • Step 2: Select “drafts” from the menu at the top
  • Step 3: Tap “edit” from within drafts section
  • Step 4: Tap “remove” option situated next to each effect applied
remove filter
  • Step 5: Once all desired effects have been removed, click done located at top right corner & Tap save

Then you can click on the post button located at the top right corner once ready. Alternatively, you can also remove all filters applied at once by tapping the “reset” option situated below drafts section while editing your video clip prior posting it online.

Also read : Unrepost on TikTok: A Step-by-Step Guide

6 best Practices For Creating the most Authentic TikTok video ever when you remove filters

Creating content without relying too heavily on added effects helps promote authentic storytelling and ensures that viewers stay engaged with what you’re saying rather than being distracted by flashy visuals or soundtracks that don’t match the overall theme of your videos. 

Here are some tips for creating content without relying too heavily on added effects:

  1. Focus on creating quality videos instead of relying solely on flashy visuals
  2. Utilize natural light whenever possible when shooting videos outdoors; this will help create beautiful imagery without having to rely heavily on added effects
  3. If needed, use only subtle color grading techniques instead of heavy-handed ones; this will help ensure that viewers remain focused on what you’re saying rather than getting lost in overly saturated colors
  4. Avoid using multiple transitions; this will help keep viewers focused on what’s being said instead of getting distracted by unnecessary movement between scenes
  5. Use original sounds whenever possible; this will help ensure that viewers stay engaged with what you’re saying rather than being distracted by catchy soundtracks
  6. Try experimenting with different framing techniques when recording; this will help create interesting visuals without having to rely heavily on added effects

Removing filters in brief…

Creating a video without relying too heavily on added effects helps encourage organic engagement with viewers as they are able get an authentic glimpse into what someone is saying through their videos instead of being distracted by flashy visuals or soundtracks that don’t match up with what’s being said.

Removing TikTok filters is not only beneficial for creators but also audiences alike as it allows them to experience genuine moments captured through raw footage while still having access to all the creative tools available within the platform as well!

So why not give it a try? Experiment with removing different types of filters and see what works best for you!
